Saturday 31 October 2015

7 Low calorie foods for Winter

It becomes hard to reduce weight in winter season than summer season because we feel more hunger in winter. But there are many foods which have low calorie but have all the essential nutrients which are required for the body. Out of these we have sorted out the 7 healthy foods which will make you fit even in winter.

1)      Oatmeal: After eating oatmeal you don’t feel hungry for long hours as it has nutrients like zinc, soluble fibres and phytochemicals in rich quantity, which give strength to the body. As per research, if you take oatmeal in breakfast, your calorie consumption will reduce by 1/3rd in lunch time. It is also effective in reducing cholesterol level.

2)      Guava: The taste of Guava resembles with that of Strawberry. A Guava has 5 times more Vitamin C than an Orange. Its seeds give our body the necessary fibre contents. A Guava contains nutrients like Potassium, Iron, Calcium etc. A Guava gives only 60 calorie energy which makes it a best slimming food.

3)      Pomegranate: Pomegranate juice is a good source of antioxidants. Taking one cup of Pomegranate juice can reduce the production of bad cholesterol. It also helps in regulating the flow of blood within the body.

4)      Broccoli and Cabbage: These two vegetables are the good source of Vitamin C. Eating these two can improve your immune system. In case fresh broccoli and cabbage are not available in local market, you can also buy them in frozen condition from supermarkets.

5)      Strawberry: A cup of strawberry contains only 50 calories and 2 gms. fibres. Those who are deficient in Vitamin C can eat one cup of strawberry daily. Strawberry also contains antioxidants and phenolic compounds which are good for stomach. The good thing about is that it is available in the market throughout the year.

6)      Potato: This vegetable not only contains rich amount of starch but also contains good amount of nutrients like Vitamin C and Vitamin B6. A medium sized potato can fulfil 25 to 90% nutritional requirements of the body. Potato peels are good source of fibre, eating which can help in controlling blood sugar levels.

7)      Black eyed peas: It is called as nutritional powerhouse. Half cup of black eyed peas contain only 80 calories and 4 gms. fibres. Consuming half cup can fulfil 25% of your body’s nutritional requirements.